Wednesday 28 May 2014

That Question is Too Personal™

Meme instructions: Answer the following 20 personal questions about your Second Life. Don’t forget to share a link to your post in the comments!

  1. When and how did you discover Second Life? - I learned about SL in 2005, through my participation on a message board. Several people had created a small community here, and in 2006 I decided to give it a try.
  2. Did you know about virtual worlds before or was this your first experience with them? - Yurp! I had tried another virtual world before coming to SL. I can't recall the name, but it was a futuristic apartment complex and it was horrible.
  3. Has Second Life met your expectations? - I had no idea what to expect, but it's been a fun ride.
  4. If you could teleport back to the first ten minutes of your avatar’s slife, what would you tell yourself? - Fix yourself up, your avi looks insane.
  5. How long did it take you to master avatar flying and driving vehicles inworld? - I have completely mastered flying up and forward. I can drive vehicles fast and forward.  I am working on stop and down.  
  6. Do you have a mystery alt? - I have a few that are a mystery to me, since I have forgotten their last names and passwords.
  7. Is your SL avatar a reflection of you, or someone you wished you could be? - I consider Josie to be an exaggerated version of her operator, both in personality and appearance.  I am pathologically shy and socially awkward IRL, so I would love to be as outgoing and risk taking as she.  And she's way sexier.  Real Josie is more cute, like a puppy or kitten.
  8. Is there an individual you met in SL that inspired you in your RL? How?  - Yes!  I met my husband in SL, and he inspires me every ways that are too personal™ for me to share on a silly blog.
  9. Do you feel it is easier to create stronger bonds/relationships with people you meet inworld as opposed to the real world? - It's certainly easier to begin friendships/relationships in SL, but I don't think that the bonds created are any stronger. Relationships happen quickly here, and have an intensity (for whatever reason) that could lead one to believe that a strong bond exists, but one never really knows who is on the other end of the IM, and what is real, and what may be role-play.
  10. Did you ever imagine or believe people could fall in love with someone they never met before Second Life? - I thought SLove was ridiculous. I fell in SLove.  I married him and we are awesome.  I think SLove is ridiculous.
  11. How has your perspective of dating changed (or not) since you started playing second life?  - See above.
  12. How has your perspective of employment changed (or not) since you started playing second life? -  Erm.  Yeah.
  13. Name three things in both your lives that overlap each other significantly. - My husband, my love of visual art, and there's probably something else, but I am getting tired of these questions.
  14. If you could live your life more immersively in a virtual world, would you? (Kind of like the Matrix) - I would not. I'd prefer to live more immersively in the real world.
  15. How do you think behavior changes for people if they’re inworld vs in real world? Why do you think that is? - I think that it depends on the person, and the nature of their pathology. 
  16. How has second life consumerism changed your perception of spending habits, the value of money, the need to be “bleeding edge” with fashion? - Somehow, I forget the value of money when I am spending it on fat packs.  In RL, I am quite frugal.
  17. Do you think virtual worlds like SL drive and redefine human interaction or do they narrow and limit it? -I love that the virtual world has enabled me to expand my social network to include people who I would have never come in contact with in RL.  I'm exposed to new ideas and different cultures.  I learn a lot here.  That said, I wouldn't want all my social interactions to be virtual.
  18. If technology progressed tomorrow to allow you to send emotions to people the way you’d send text or voice messages, would it enrich your SL experience or infringe on it? - As long as I was in control of the emotion I wanted to send, I would be ok with it.  If the technology could somehow sense what I was feeling and send that, I would have to quit SL.  There would be drama.
  19.  Name three skills you attribute to having learned or honed in second life alone. - Photoshop, photoshop, and photoshop.  That's three, right?
  20.  If your grand kids googled your Second Life Avatar’s name, would they be intrigued, disgusted, proud or something else? - I hope that they would be as amused as I am.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

"When the shadows of this life have gone...
Like a bird from these prison walls I'll fly."
Brumley, Albert E. "I'll Fly Away."